Activate Price Calculations

You can control which sales prices or groups of sales prices are included in the price decision in the LS POS.

This is configured in Site Manager in Tools > Administration > Options > tab Active price/discount.

The Active price/discount settings control which prices the system will look for when finding the sales price. The default configuration is as displayed in the picture below.

The Active price/discount settings:

  • Item/Customer: Prices configured for specific customers will be included in the price decision.
  • Item/Customer group: Prices configured for customer groups will be included in the price decision.
  • Item/All Customers: Prices configured for all customers will be included in the price decision.

The store price groups are always valid if the price group is on the store. Those prices can only be deactivated by removing the price group from the store.


Inserted: 24th October 2016
Version: LS One 2016.1